Share Festival Editions

2022 – Searchlight

The sixteenth edition of the Festival held in 2022 under the theme ‘Searchlight’. A searchlight looking to the future… Six works selected by the jury, consisting of Max Casacci, Alessandro Ludovico, Erica Villa, Jasmina Tesanovic and Bruce Sterling.

2020 – Riots


Tech unicorns fall flaming in disgrace, and even the ultra-rich weep and tremble in public venues; social lynch-mobs abound, while enlightened scientists flee the trolls; upheavals are met with ominous silence as the Internet’s plug is pulled over vast, stricken provinces.Surveillance is redoubled as the surveilled can’t be bothered to behave; to “befriend” is an act of covert emnity, while to “like” is passe’.  

2019 – Ghosts


Are we the living ghosts of dead ancestors, of the otherness of the past, its invisible shadows? Or is the past the ghost of ourselves, present, alive and visible? Do we speak to our ghosts, consciously, every day, through art, mind and the material world, or do the ghosts act, fiercely driving us to the unavoidable but creative path of continuity?


2018 – Frankenstein


Monster Edition! together with the works of Share Prize you will find the Artmaker works, as well as DJ sets and performances with Trieste Science + Fiction Festival and LPM Roma, the conferences of Jasmina Tešanovic and Bruce Sterling. All together we will live the magnificent experience of knowing how to transform the monstrous aspects of technology into magnificent works of art, loved and loving!

2017 – Sincerity

Our electronic network society has many virtues, but opacity, deceit and obscurantism are among its vices. For 2017, Share Festival raises its lantern of Diogenes to search for technical artworks that are honest. How can a work be technically accomplished, yet also lucid, clear and trustworthy?

House Guest – 2016

What happens when leaves the desktop screens, kiosks, and gallery installations, and becomes domestic art? How can this provocative guest escape cyberspace and join the family? When Internet art becomes “Internet-of-Things art,” how can it flourish in the kitchen, the bedroom, the nursery and the terrace?

Autonomous – 2015

As computing becomes more and more distributed, humans are no longer the only agents of analysis and action. Subjects become profiles, filed and categorised in a vast system designed to extrapolate our actions andWhere does the growth in potential stop and a technological circuit begin, in which our choices are increasingly driven by “emergent” considerations that act autonomously?

Real time | Real space – 2013

Computers interact with us at the microsensory and microtemporal levels, which are invisible to conscious perception. Mediation is achieved through forms of virtual assistants or artificial intelligence systems that undermine a Cartesian egocentric approach in favour of incorporating the mind and body in the world. How does the way humans interact with society change when we become a “cursor”?

Open Your City – 2012

Open is meant in the sense of being in the making, of being unfinished, experimental, transparent and boundless. Your is meant as the direct participation of people who possess, own, use, occupy and command something that belongs to them.

Cops & Robbers- 2011

Cops and robbers, the innocent and the guilty, legalitarians and subversives, law-abiding citizens and revolutionaries.The impression is that there is always somebody stealing something and somebody else chasing them down, but the good guys today are often on the wrong side of the law. It is a fine line that separates the legal and the illegal when it comes to freedom of speech, news leaks, activism, copyleft, activism, appropriationism and interventionism.

Smart Mistakes- 2010

Error represents the uncovering of an issue that demands attention, which in turn elicits controversy, while it is controversy that generates solutions and innovation.

Market Forces- 2009

Art practice is becoming increasingly relational – like the market – and less representational. This move towards the transaction as the privileged form of communication is having profound effects on culture in material, symbolic and strategic ways. Exchange is everything.

Manufacturing – 2008

In 2008, the year Turin celebrated its nomination as the first World Design Capital, the science-fiction writer and journalist Bruce Sterling was invited to be guest curator of the Share Festival, exploring the theme of ManufacTURINg.

Digital Affinity/Communities Now – 2007

The year 2007 saw the launch of the Share Prize, an international award dedicated to major art installations, which focused on the theme of Digital Affinity/Communities Now, a way of being and of living, a collective project bringing together millions of people, united by cultural, ideological and political affinities.

Limitless- 2006

Network communications, virtual reality, intelligent environments, open-source code and the copyright/copyleft distinction are all technological and legal arrangements designed to overcome the limits of space-time, the limits of the physical, the limits of the body, and the limits of the digital divide.

Wave- 2005

The first ever Share Festival marked the beginning of an ongoing exploration of the impact that globalisation and innovation technology has had on art and on contemporary society. The theme of the event focused on the cultural repercussions of the Internet and its use, and the new wave of activity in art, culture and communications.