Action Sharing

“Action Sharing is a platform created in 2007 by the operating arm of Piemonte Share in Torino-Italy, where artists, engineers, computer scientists and local companies specialised in robotics can come together to develop research projects focused on art and innovation.”

The Chamber of Commerce of Torino chose to back the proposal put forward by Action Sharing to promote a new vision of culture, where art is not confined within the walls of art galleries and museums. In this vision, art is opened to the business world to become an engine for economic growth and local development, drawing from the design, technological innovation and creative capacities that can be found in local companies of excellence.

Action Sharing was conceived and based right from the start on the possibility of drawing together people from the worlds of scientific research, art & creativity, and general education, and steering them to contribute as a group to the creation of a digital art performance for demonstration and experimental purposes.

Artists who would normally find themselves on stage, in museums or in art galleries have found space for creation within the research labs of the companies involved and the University, space shared with engineers and computer scientists for the construction of a new and entirely unconventional approach to innovation.

There are two Action Sharing: Orchestra Meccanica Marinetti and Cymatics.

Orchestra Meccanica Marinetti

“The Orchestra Meccanica Marinetti by the artist Angelo Comino, Motor in art, was specially chosen by the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and Piemonte Share to launch the initiative Action Sharing.”

If we consider robots, from the industrial kind to androids and mobile applications of artificial intelligence, the finest expression of industry, creativity and innovation, Orchestra Meccanica Marinetti represents an important calling card for the future of our area.

The idea of creating a mechanical orchestra inspired by the works of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti is highly appropriate for a city like Turin, as it symbolically connects the past and future of the area.


Orchestra Meccanica Marinetti

A project in which the past of the Italian avant-garde returns in all its contemporaneity to identify a new relationship between humans and machines.

The movement and work of factories on show, translated through the interactive digital languages of the contemporary world.

A journey taking us from the Nag Hammadi codices, Gnostic texts from third century AD, to the code of computer music and to contemporary myth, through pieces inspired by the works of Ballard and Burroughs on the relationship between and merging of humans and machines, as shaped by technology and the imaginary, by the virtual and metal

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Motor (IT)

Angelo Comino aka Motor is an artist who channels his artistic expression into the constant exploration of the languages of contemporaneity

Thanks to his solid grounding in the scientific disciplines, which he uses in his day job, Motor’s work shows a syncretism that is very much an expression of the contemporary world.

Motor grew up in Turin’s underground scene, getting involved in everything from sound design to scriptwriting, from installations to interactive multimedia productions, from performance art to experimental theatre.

In 2000 he unveiled IL LIBRO DELL’ANGELO A MOTORE – THE BOOK OF MOTOR ANGEL, a book, CD-ROM and sort of hypnotic machine all in one. In 2005 he produced the project GHOST, an interactive room for Share Festival 2005 , with Gianni Corino. In 2006 he presented the interactive installation NEW YORK DREAM-MACHINE for the MAZE Gallery. Then came the project “Clean//Unclean”, where digital choruses provide the soundtrack to war footage recorded by the sensors of night-vision weapons that can see in the dark.


In 2010, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Torino, Action Sharing 2 was launched, with entries accepted from 30th October to 6th December. The Ideas Competition was open to artistic projects that make syncretic use of mechatronic elements.” All the entries submitted to the Action Sharing 2 Ideas Competition were reviewed with skill and expertise by a panel of judges consisting of Guido Bolatto, Massimo Banzi, Federico De Sario, Bruce Sterling, Pietro Terna, and Andrea Festini.

The panel selected Suguru Goto, and his project Cymatics, winner of the competition. Suguru Goto is a composer, musician, inventor and multimedia artist, considered one of the most innovative and representative figures among a new generation of Japanese artists.



Cymatics is a kinetic sculpture and sound installation that expresses the artist’s vision of nature through a series of symbolic elements that are used harmoniously in a technological context.

Cymatics creates real spaces that are metaphysical and spiritual at the same time. A place where art is bridge between the material and the spiritual, between technology and nature, and between the humanities and science.

Two cubes, two rooms, two substances – water and non-Newtonian fluid, are brought together into spaces where sound waves transform the substances into geometric shapes.

The result is a harmonic vision of the elements of nature, demonstrating the morphogenic effect of sound waves (Cymatics).

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Suguru Goto (JP)

Suguru Goto is a composer/performer, an inventor and a multimedia artist and he is considered one of the most innovative and the mouthpiece of a new generation of Japanese artists.

He is highly connected to technical experimentation in the artistic field and to the extension of the existing potentialities in the relation man-machine.

In his works the new technologies mix up in interactive installations and experimental performances: He is the one who invented the so called virtual music instruments, able to create an interface for the communication between human movements and the computer, where sound and video image are controlled by virtual music instruments in real-time through computers.

Lately, he has been creating the robots, which perform acoustic instruments, and he is gradually constructing a robot orchestra.

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