on Toshareproject.it - curated by Bruce Sterling
Today: Opening of N=12 and the launch of Feral File 2.0
256 Kill-Screen by Daniel Catt
The first exhibition in this next phase of Feral File, N=12, a collaborative group show curated by Aaron Penne, is now open! Over the last several months, these twelve artists have been in dialogue across seven different time zones, sharing their code and artistic processes, and creating the works in the exhibition together. The exhibition was minted on Ethereum. Collecting starts next Thursday, July 20, and ends on Friday, July 21. See below for collecting details.
Curator Aaron Penne on N=12 and the unique process behind the exhibition:
“This cross-pollination of ideas pushed each of the artists towards new technical and aesthetic innovations. Each of their works is created with code written by the artists themselves. This has required artists to be equally comfortable ideating with infinite imagination and instructing a machine to translate these ideas into reality. The Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.) of the 1960s normalized the collaboration of artists and engineers. In contrast, the artists of this show — indeed, much of this generation — are themselves all hybrid artist-engineers. Not only do they critique each other’s aesthetics, they also debug each other’s code. In such a context, variables, functions, and logic are as open to influence as color palette. These artists are not just sharing outputs with each other, they are sharing their innermost processes.”
The artists featured in N=12 are Anna Lucia, Bart Simmons, Daniel Catt, Elsif, ippsketch, Lia Coleman, Melissa Wiederrecht, Nadieh Bremer, Nicole Vella, Piter Pasma, RalenArc, and Reva Fan.
Join us for the Opening Day Twitter Space today, July 13 at 16:00 UTC.
On July 19 at 16:00 UTC, we will hold an exhibition walkthrough on Zoom. Please register through eventbrite to receive the link.
On July 25 at 15:00 UTC, we will hold our first Post-Collecting Conversation. Join us on Twitter.
N=12 artist Nadieh Bremer discusses the concept behind wavʌves.
Watch all the artists — Anna Lucia, Nadieh Bremer, Daniel Catt, Reva Fan, Elsif, Lia Coleman, Piter Pasma, RalenArc, Bart Simons, Nicole Vella, ippsketch, and Melissa Wiederrecht — talk about their artworks and the process of working together on our N=12 YouTube playlist.
Announcing Feral File 2.0
Feral File Co-Founder Casey Reas and Bitmark CEO, Sean Moss-Pultz, take us through the vision behind this new version of Feral File and explain what’s new.
N=12 is the first exhibition in the new Feral File 2.0 which features a major rework of our exhibition program with a new way to experience and collect the artwork, plus a new look. Feral File 2.0 marks a return to our core values by doubling down on what makes Feral File unique in the digital art space:
Group exhibitions: Artists on Feral File collaborate with a curator to create and exhibit artworks around a single, ambitious theme.
Works as series: Each artist in an exhibition creates work as a series. A series contains multiple unique artworks connected together under a single series theme. Each series in an exhibition has the same number of artworks in it.
Collecting in sets: Exhibitions are collected in sets that comprise one artwork from each series in an exhibition. Individual artworks are not offered for primary sale. Each set is unique, capturing a different facet of an exhibition’s full curatorial vision.
Multichain and fully web3: Feral File 2.0 supports exhibitions on either Ethereum or Tezos and is fully compatible with current web3 standards.
Commitment to artist royalties: Royalties are now streamed directly to artists, and all precautions are taken to guarantee royalties collection on secondary markets.
Public documentation: Much more attention is given to documenting, presenting, and preservation the events and other cultural production surrounding exhibitions.
How to collect N=12
N=12 exhibition sets will be collected through a falling price auction. The auction starts at an opening price and falls down to its final “base” price over a duration of 30 minutes. During the auction, you can collect a specific set once it reaches the price you desire. However, note that anyone can purchase that set before you (at a higher price) as well, so don’t wait too long! If all sets are not sold in the first 30 minutes, remaining sets are sold at the base price for the next 23.5 hours. After this (24 hours from the start of the sale), any remaining sets are removed from sale at Feral File entirely.
Sets Available
130 sets available for sale
Each set is comprised of 12 artworks, one each from of the artists. Every artwork is unique.
Opening price: 7.20 ETH
Base price: 0.72 ETH
Collecting starts Thursday, July 20, 2023 14:00 UTC+0
Collecting ends Friday, July 21, 2023 14:00 UTC+0
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