on Toshareproject.it - curated by Bruce Sterling
*Maker communities certainly are network-centric. Without some digital sociality, nothing can happen in the “ecosystem.”
As 2022 starts, let’s take some time to share our goals for CircuitPython in 2022. Just like past years (full summary 2019, 2020, and 2021), we’d like everyone in the CircuitPython community to contribute by posting their thoughts to some public place on the Internet.Here are a few ways to post:
a video on YouTube
a post on the CircuitPython forum
a blog post on your site
a series of Tweets
a Gist on GitHub
We want to hear from you. When you post, please add #CircuitPython2022 and email circuitpython2022@adafruit.com to let us know about your post so we can blog it up here.The post can cover any topic related to CircuitPython. Here are some specific topics you could address:
Projects you’d like to build
Things you think could be easier
Core CircuitPython features
Core CPython libraries to add
Additional platforms
New boards to support
Library improvements
Additional libraries
Package management
Documentation improvements
Learn guides
video tutorials
Ecosystem needs
the newsletter
Awesome list
Adafruit support forum
Discord channel
Weekly meeting
Live coding streams
Tooling enhancements
Github Actions
the library bundle
the bootloader
Mobile apps
File Glider
Android support
These, of course, are just ideas to start from. Please us know about all ideas you have for CircuitPython.We, as a community, can use these ideas to coordinate and collaborate to make CircuitPython even better in 2022. Let’s use these ideas to spark further discussion and brainstorming. Keep an eye on the blog here and join the discussion on the Adafruit Discord.Thanks to the Rust folks for the inspiration.