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Call for Applications: Small Grants Scheme for heritage-related projects led by Civil Society in EU neighbouring countries
January 22, 2024
Opening date: 23 January 2024 – Closing date: 31 March 2024
The European Heritage Hub project – co-funded by the European Union and run by a consortium of 20 partners led by Europa Nostra – is launching a Small Grants Scheme to support projects protecting cultural heritage in EU neighbouring countries. This initiative is supported by the ALIPH Foundation.
The European Heritage Hub Small Grants Scheme aims at encouraging and empowering heritage stakeholders from 11 neighbouring countries of the European Union (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine) to become active protagonists of the wider European heritage movement, enhancing their capacity to respond to Europe’s green, digital and social transformation.
Countries in these regions – both candidates and potential candidates for EU accession or EU close neighbours – are confronted with an armed conflict, addressing post-conflict challenges, or require actions to prevent possible future conflicts. The European Heritage Hub Small Grants Scheme will thus provide support for projects in line with the objectives of the call:
Building the capacity of civil society;
Enhancing the key role of cultural heritage for the Triple Transformation
of our society, economy and the environment (green, digital and social);
Building peace, stability, reconciliation, intercultural and interreligious dialogue through heritage-led activities.
Projects are also expected to contribute to the principles of the five pillars of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage reflecting the common set-up for heritage-related activities at European level, primarily in EU policies and programmes.
Who can apply and what’s in it for me?
The European Heritage Hub Small Grants Scheme is an agile and flexible funding instrument for allocating small grants to heritage projects led by civil society organisations based in the eligible non-EU countries listed above. It will support initiatives of 3 sizes:
Small projects – Grants ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 EUR
Medium projects – Grants ranging from 10,000 to 30,000 EUR
Large projects – Grants ranging from 30,000 to 50,000 EUR
For more information on the eligibility and selection criteria, please read carefully the Call for applications.
How to apply?
Application package:
Call for applications
Application form (you can use the PDF template to prepare your submission)
Budget form
Application instructions:
Your proposal and accompanying documents (budget form) must be submitted via the online application form. A template PDF is available to prepare your submission. Only applications received via the online form will be considered.
Please note that to fill in the form and upload the budget, you are required to sign in with a Google account. If you do not possess a Google account and are thus unable to submit your application, please do get in touch with us to receive the form in another format.
Your application must be submitted in English.
Applications may be re-submitted only once, and with the express purpose of providing necessary additional information or an adapted text.
Applications may not be submitted by organisations that are part of the European Heritage Hub consortium or by organisations that have a governing role within them (e.g. that are part of the Board).
Before filling in the application form, please make sure that your project is eligible by reading the Call for Applications.
By submitting an application, the applicant agrees to the processing and sharing of data in accordance with Europa Nostra’s Privacy Policy.
Receipt of an application will be acknowledged.
Should you have any doubts about how to answer the questions or on your project’s eligibility, please do not hesitate to contact Manon Richard (mr@europanostra.org) before submitting.
* All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this document shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations’ Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.