The Paperwall – Francesca Fini (IT)
Francesca Fini moves in the contemporary area where arts is a hybrid of performance, interaction technology, sound design, video and painting. She is based in ItalY, exhibits and works all over the world. In 2016 he completed the experimental movie Ofelia non annega, included by Adriano Aprà among the best Italian movies of the last 10 years. Treccani encyclopaedia mentions her under the item cyber-performance, as one of the most significant artists of this language in Italy.
The Paper Wall, a living installation with performance, action painting and robotics. The Wall, a separation from the outside and control of the inside, is an evil idea: it keeps unwanted out, imprisons those who are inside. “In the performance, I build a symbolic wall with toys found on the net, I mark the territory with the colors of the American flag, helped, disturbed by hacked domestic robots, equipped with markers, drawing in search of escape routes”. Attempting to manage order in the disorder of creation reveals the grotesque nature of control.