Call for SHARE PRIZE 2014 | Deadline Postponed
January 4, 2015 4:03 pm

The deadline to subscribe to Share Prize 2014 has been postponed to January 9th 2015.
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The Share Prize this year will focus on the theme for the 9th Share Festival, entitled Autonomous.
The jury, consisting of Irini Papadimitriou, Jasmina Tesanovic, Bruce Sterling and Luca Barbeni will short-list six nominees for the prize, who will be invited to exhibit at the customary Share Prize exhibition in Turin from 19th to 29th March, 2015.
The venue for the exhibition this year will be the new Temporary Museum, a project sponsored jointly by the Department for Cultural Affairs of the Regione Piemonte and BasicNet Group.
The names of the short-listed finalists will be announced by the end of January 2015.