SCEPSI – European School of Social Imagination
May 4, 2011 11:54 am
SCEPSI – European School of Social Imagination
Conference 20-22 May 2011, Republic of San Marino
Reinventing the autonomy of knowledge is the task of our time. It’s not only a political task. The epistemic foundation of research and learning as autonomous activities is at stake, when dogmas of profit, growth, competition take the lead in the old institutions of production and transmission of knowledge. This is why we are calling students and researchers, artists and scientists and social activists to gather in the first conference of SCEPSI that will take place in San Marino, on 20-22 May 2011.
Protests against the financial aggression and the destruction of the public school in the European continent are spreading, but we have to create new institutions, aimed to self organization of cognitive workers and to the reactivation of social sensibility and imagination. The conference will be the first act of the activity of the European School of Social Imagination, that in the next year will organize seminars in San Marino, and in European cities like Helsinki, London, and Oslo.
The activity of the School starts from four question: 1. How can we think the consequences to every day life in the face of a possible economic failure of the European Union? 2. How can art and poetry arouse new energies and revitalize the social field weakened by precarization and the alienation of (digital) labour? 3.How can emergent scientific imagination reconstitute the social body? 4. How can we open up spaces for the autonomy of knowledge within the process of the marketisation and capitalisation of the education system?
These questions will be foundational for the emergent curriculum of the first year of seminars and engagements of the European School of Social Imagination. The following is the program of the conference, that may change slightly during the next weeks.