Into the wood 2.0
April 21, 2010 5:29 pm
On Friday, 23rd April, at 6 PM at the Antico Palazzo di Città in Mondovì Piazza (via Giolitti 1), the cultural association Marcovaldo, the Municipality of Mondovì, and The Sharing are proud to present the creative process behind Into the Wood 2.0, a multimedia production in progress by Fabio Battistetti, in partnership with the cabinet-makers Fratelli Volume of Mondovì.
Into the Wood 2.0 is an electro-acoustic performance that uses wood as it main source of sound for the creation of sound textures, rhythms and melodies. The multimedia production uses sound to rebuild the relationship between humans and wood. The sources of sound used for the performance consist of nature recordings taken in forests and real time microphonic renderings of firewood, a cutting board and acoustic musical instruments.
“Wood,” explains Fabio Battistetti,” “has a long history behind it that has tied it to humans since prehistoric times, when it was used for subsistence and entertainment. With the advent of the industrial revolution, wood was absorbed into the mass production cycle with all the consequences that brought – from exploitation to pollution. Today wood is no longer a primary element in industrial production or in the home, mostly because of the use of advanced plastic materials. That’s why the value of wood needs to be restored. Let’s not forget that wood comes from trees, one of the most vital resources of our planet!”