New Pi-Top OS release June 2021

Friday 18th June, 2021 - Bruce Sterling


June 2021: The latest version of pi-top OS is here!

It’s been a busy few months for us since we did our last OS release back in December 2020.
In this post, I will be discussing the various changes that have been made to pi-top OS since our last OS release (C781 2020-12-22).   

All of these changes are available if you update an existing OS, but it is recommended to download the latest OS and install it fresh onto an SD card if you do not have your pi-top already configured for your needs.

Python SDK
Our Python SDK 1 (software development kit) has received a number of improvements since December.

API Change: pi-top [4] Miniscreen
In the previous public stable version of pi-topOS (C781 2020-12-22), the pi-top [4]’s miniscreen display was accessed via an oled class. This has been replaced with a miniscreen class to help clarify our terminology and improve usability.

All content on Further now makes use of this class, so older versions of pi-topOS will require updating.

In addition to this, please note that it is now recommended that you access this (and all other pi-top device functionality) from the Pitop object:
from pitop import Pitop

pitop = Pitop()
miniscreen = pitop.miniscreen

Machine Learning / Robotics Kit
We have expanded our SDK to include more machine learning-based features such as face detection, emotion tracking and colored ball detection. Robotics Kit also benefits from more advanced navigation/autonomous driving and a new pincer controller….