on Toshareproject.it - curated by Bruce Sterling
Dear Friends,
We are bringing an exciting line-up of virtual conversations, workshops and podcasts to brighten up your February!
Legal Lab Principal Investigator Alana Kushnir and legal scholar and blockchain expert Primavera de Filippi will investigate the evolution of copyright licences in Web3 in the next Legal Lab Live session.
Our partnership with RadicalxChange continues with a workshop exploring new ownership models for art using RxC’s pol.is AI tool designed to facilitate collective deliberation.
In the latest instalment of Synthetic Ecologies, researchers Chiara Di Leone and Joshua Evans will discuss archiving, politics of power within research disciplines, and leveraging fermentation as a translation tool across research disciplines.
Last but not least, listen to this week’s episode of the Serpentine Podcast series to hear Gabriel Massan discuss their forthcoming exhibition, game and Web3 project launching at Serpentine in Summer 2023, with sounds from Lyzza created for the game.
See you online!
Serpentine Arts Technologies
Upcoming Programmes
Online Now, Serpentine Podcast | Reworlding Podcast, Episode 3 featuring Gabriel Massan and Lyzza
How can the ways we play change the ways we live? How are creativity, collaboration, and change adaptation related, and why do these activities help people to thrive?
In the third episode of REWORLDING, the latest Serpentine Podcast series, host Gaylene Gould speaks to artists and architects who are creating new possibilities through play spaces, games, and playable digital realities, and asking what these can teach us about how we will navigate the world to come.
Listen here
23 February 17:30-19:00 GMT, Zoom | RadicalxChange + Serpentine Arts Technologies: Deliberation Workshop on Ownership & Future Art Ecosystems
The workshop will introduce Pluralism as a social philosophy for technologies and provide a background to the collaboration between RadicalxChange and Serpentine Arts Technologies.
We will then directly experiment with a tool for collective deliberations called pol.is, focusing on issues surrounding new ownership models for art.
This event is free. RSVP here
🐚 7 Feb 18:00-19:00 GMT, Twitch | Synthetic Ecologies Live: Chiara Di Leone x Joshua Evans in conversation with Yasaman Sheri and Kay Watson
How do archives shape art-science practice? How can fermentation be leveraged as a technology for cross-disciplinary experimentation or exploration?
This event is free. RSVP here
d out more here.