on Toshareproject.it - curated by Bruce Sterling
*There’s rather a lot. And maybe more so, as the electronics system de-globalizes into trade-war blocs.
Dear Colleagues
Have you seen our parallel conferences inside ELECS 2022 with the IEEE as Publisher
* 6th European Conference on Circuits and Systems
* 6th European Conference on Telecommunications
* 6th European Conference on Signal Processing
* 6th European Conference on Control and Robotics
* 6th European Conference on Power Systems
* 6th European Conference on Education
* 6th European Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Microwaves, Antennas
* 6th European Conference on Computer Science
* 6th European Conference on Computational Intelligence (Neural
Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Evolutionary Computing)
* 6th European Conference on Biomedical Engineering
* 6th European Conference on Simulation and modelling
* 6th European Conference on Applied Physics
* 6th European Conference on Applied Mathematics
These conferences compose our huge Multiconference
6th European Conference on Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
(ELECS 2022)
Except our Parallel Conferences, eminent colleagues organize now
Special Sessions on
Nano-circuits and systems
and Parallel and Distributed Systems
All the Papers will be published by IEEE and will be indexed in ISI
web of Science, Scopus, EI Compendex
Alternatively you can publish your paper in ISI web of Science,
Scopus, EI Compendex without extra charge
(beyond the conference fees)
We have also arranged a Special Issue in the highly prestigious Journal
IEEE Access
See other Excellent Conferences with IEEE, AIP, IOP etc here
Contact us
Nikos Mastorakis
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