on Toshareproject.it - curated by Bruce Sterling
Every day, humanity is confronted with seemingly insurmountable challenges that impact our planet and shape our future. With the emergence of quantum computing, there is the potential opportunity to tackle some of the world’s toughest challenges, and it all starts with an algorithm. Enter our newest competition, XPRIZE Quantum Applications, aimed at supporting the development of quantum computing for social impact and sustainability.
This ambitious 3-year, $5M global competition aims to develop quantum computing algorithms that have the potential to address some of today’s most pressing challenges. We are proud to partner with Google Quantum AI and the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator Foundation (GESDA) on this new prize.
Our newest prize will encourage teams from around the globe to develop new applications for quantum computing that benefit society, such as enhanced research and development of lifesaving medicines, accurate modeling of fusion reactors for clean energy, more efficient catalysts for carbon capture, and more.
Learn more about the prize in Google’s Keyword Blog and how to create a team, join a team, participate, or support at XPRIZE Quantum Applications.