Decorate your metaverse parcel with your NFT art

Saturday 12th June, 2021 - Bruce Sterling

*Instead of making a cyberspace into an art gallery, maybe it’s more commercially sensible to use NFTs to decorate a virtual space that you already own as part of a game.

City building game MegaCryptoPolis has partnered with NFT marketplace Rarible to allow players to decorate their custom building interiors and storefronts with NFTs in their upcoming MegaWorld expansion. The integration of Rarible NFTs will mean more customization options for home owners in the city building game.

MegaCryptoPolis has been working towards creating a more interactive and immersive experience for their players. As part of this MegaWorld expansion, players can literally enter the world. They can for example walk the streets, and check out player-owned offices and stores. And what could be better when decorating than putting up images of your NFTs on the walls?

With the upcoming MegaCryptoPolis expansion, all Rarible NFTs will be available for exhibit and decor in players’ interiors and storefronts. Game studio Supernovae and their artists will be releasing a series of artworks inspired by MegaWorld. The first NFT from this series is available exclusively on Rarible!…